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Bad breath:9 tips from grandmothers against halitosis

What is more pleasant than to smell your mouth clean, and a beautiful minty smell in our mask? However, after a meal or a long day, our breath is no longer so fresh. Onion, garlic, tobacco or alcohol , are not really there to help us. If certain foods play an important role in our bad breath , it can also come from a problem in the mouth. So, even if washing our teeth 3 times a day is part of our routine, sometimes that's not always enough to help us. Here are some grandmother's tips very effective that will allow us to say goodbye to bad breath.

Bad breath:our food friends

Obviously, the onion will not help us get rid of our bad breath , and on the contrary risks making it worse. However, other foods can help us. For example, the coffee bean after each meal before rinsing our mouth with lemon water, is a good way to counter it. The lemon is a natural antiseptic that eliminates bacteria from our mouth. Just bite straight into it. You can also count on the parsley and its purifying properties, to freshen our breath. Clove to chew is also a very good ally to find a good breath after a meal. Finally, do not hesitate to drink mint green teas which will help you keep a menthol smell!

Bad breath:good tips to adopt

Some best practices can save us from bad breath. The first is to remember to rub our tongue with our toothbrush. Bacteria can accumulate on it and be responsible for bad breath. You can also treat yourself to sanitizing mouthwashes on a regular basis. home, to neutralize small mouth odors. Bad breath can also be linked to a lack of hydration. Therefore, it is important to drink at least 1.5L of water per day. Last, but not least, remember to brush your teeth after every meal . This removes any small food residue that may have stuck.