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Nausea:9 tips from grandmothers to relieve them quickly and effectively

Bloating, retching, gastric reflux, nausea manifest in different ways, but are definitely unpleasant s when you suffer from it. Quite frequent, nausea occur during a trip at sea and in the air, in case of pregnancy, but also simply when our stomach did not appreciate our last meal. To avoid rushing on drugs, we often take our troubles patiently. But luckily, our grandmothers are not short on tricks to make our daily life easier. Here are effective and natural tips to relieve nausea .

Tips to relieve nausea:foods to eat

We tend to lose our appetite when we are nauseous, but certain foods are our allies to feel better. Recognized by the French National Authority for Health as effective against nausea , ginger worth including in your routine. Fresh, in essential oil or herbal tea, you are free to choose how you enjoy it. The same goes for lemon . In water to quench your thirst, or in essential oil that you can smell, lemon would be effective in relieving nausea. The thyme not only used in the kitchen. It is one of the best herbs to boost digestion and soothe nausea. Thyme reduces bloating and contractions of the stomach thanks to its antispasmodic properties.

Tips to relieve nausea:the essentials to try

To fight against nausea, essential oils and plants are there to help us. We will take advantage of the relaxing effect only with peppermint on our stomach. Place a drop of essential oil on the base of the nose for immediate results. Essential Oil of Lavender also relieves our nausea. Thanks to its antispasmodic virtues which improve digestive comfort, we can say goodbye to nausea. We'll treat ourselves to a little chamomile tea to alleviate feelings of bloating. The lemon balm is used to relieve digestive disorders. Its antispasmodic and anti-nausea effects convinced us to give it a try.

Tips to relieve nausea:the unsuspected ones that will save us

Our grandmothers wouldn't be who they are if they didn't have unsuspected little tricks. Although we definitely included baking soda in our daily lives, we would not have attributed anti-nausea virtues to it. However, it relieves heartburn with its acidity, just like lemon. Simply slip a tablespoon into a glass of water to feel soothed quickly. Finally, the coal is not to be used only to enjoy good grilling. Itsvegetable version (to be consumed), relieves stomach heaviness caused by meals that are too rich in sugars and fats. It is found in the form of capsules to be easier to ingest.