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Immune defences:7 tips to strengthen them and be in top shape

As winter approaches , and in the middle of autumn , virus circulation is greater. Cold , flu or even sore throats arrived very quickly at this time of year. And even if we cover up, we don't always get through. It is therefore important to protect yourself as much as possible from viruses that could cause your states of fatigue. For this, nothing beats natural remedies but also the small daily habits to change to boost immunity . “You can optimize your immune defenses , it's scientifically proven" , says Dr. Eric Lorrain , phytotherapist, at Santé Magazine .

Small daily gestures to adopt for a better immune defense

You don't need to take tons of dietary supplements as fall and winter approach. simple gestures can make a big difference. At first, you can opt for probiotics to strengthen its intestinal mucosa. Don't overlook the benefits of a glass of orange juice every morning. Be careful, it must be a fresh orange juice. We also opt for magnesium but also for better sleep and physical activity, among others. Here are all our tips.