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Urinary tract infection:the signs to recognize and prevent it

Urinary tract infection. These words , just the two of them, are scary. But until now, they were a little unknown to you. You've heard a lot about it around you. Half of your friends are regularly victims and you always said to yourself "this has never happened to me" . Besides, you sincerely thought that in life, two groups exist:the one who never has and will never have a urinary tract infection and he who has it and will always have it. And then comes this day. The day of the big jump. You are now integrated into the club. But since you've never had one, you're not sure if it's really that and not something else.

Recognize a urinary tract infection

As a reminder, urinary tract infections or cystitis are infections of the bladder due to bacteria . To get to the bottom of it, it's quite simple. There are several symptoms very indicative of the presence of bacteria in your urethra . At first, you want to urinate very often and even if you only pass very small amounts of urine. When you urinate, a burning sensation appears at the end of your urination . If you are unsure of the burning sensation , you can also compare it to stabbing. Your urine is very clear and trouble . You may also observe more or less heavy bleeding. Also, but this is not the case for everyone, you may have a little fever and a feeling of tiredness or discomfort.

What causes and how to prevent it?

The causes of cystitis are many. Most often, they are due to a lack of hydration . You are definitely not drinking enough. They can also occur after sex , without being related to any sexually transmitted disease . Sexual intercourse simply allows bacteria to rise more quickly to the bladder. Finally, they are also due to intestinal bacteria that rise in the bladder through the urinary canal. Nothing too serious, therefore, but to be monitored however and treated if they do not pass with an antibiotic.

To avoid cystitis, it is important to drink a lot of water every day, not to refrain from going to the toilet and to urinate after each sexual intercourse. It is also important to clean from front to back when wiping after going to the toilet. When the infection is already installed, it is advisable to drink at least two liters of water to flush out disease-causing bacteria and cranberry juice , which helps calm the infection and prevents bacteria from settling in the bladder.

Important:When you have a UTI, try to rest and stay calm in loose clothing.