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Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Find out why and how to fix it!

Who does not dream of joining the arms of Morpheus in a few minutes and enjoying a beautiful and long night without interruption? Unfortunately, for many of us, it is almost impossible to escape waking up at night. If these awakenings are annoying to say the least, it's because they happen for no apparent reason. Our eyes simply open out of sheer envy. Finally, that is what we think in the absence of a nightmare. However, depending on what time one wakes up in the night, there is significance. Between an alarm clock at 1 a.m. and another at 4 a.m., the reasons will not be the same.

Nocturnal awakenings:what reason according to the time

Know that when you wake up for no reason, your body is trying to send you a message. There is just as much a physical explanation as a psychological one. These signs, Traditional Chinese Medicine – for which the energies circulating in our organs are connected to our internal clock – has (perhaps) deciphered them. For example, between11pm and 1am for early diapers, this would be your gallbladder who speaks to you. Disturbed sleep may simply mean that you ate too heavy or too fatty a meal. According to Chinese medicine, it can also be linked to emotional disappointment. Between1 a.m. and 3 a.m. , it's your liver who is acting up. It starts to eliminate toxins and purify the body. But the liver is also "the organ of anger, frustration, resentment and planning" , according to an expert. Between 3h and 5h , these are your lungs who want to be heard. Either you have a breathing problem , either you feel sad . Finally, between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. , you have a choice, need to let go , or else you are in full digestion.

Nocturnal awakenings:how to stop them

To avoid nocturnal awakenings, we can first take a new good routine. For example, skip heavy meals , to avoid being woken up by our liver or intestine trying to eliminate it. We can also think of exchanging screens for reading to calm down and find sleep more easily. Practice a physical activity will also be a good way to find calm to sleep. Adopt an air purifier will help us to breathe well all night, and start meditating , to remove all negative waves from our mind before sleeping.