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Unusual:sleeping next to a lemon would be beneficial for our mental and physical health, find out why

Have you ever wondered why lemon was an odor very often used in cleaning products? It is not only for its disinfectant character. Indeed, lemon also has health benefits . We are not only talking about its action on our weight loss consumed in the early morning with a glass of water, or in our beauty routine. Sleeping with lemon next to our bed could revolutionize the quality of ambient air of your room, and therefore of your sleep. We give you all the advantages that will convince you to make lemon slices , your new decoration !

Sleeping with lemon:these benefits for our mental health

Sleep should always be a time of relaxation. For many, getting to sleep is a real pain. Once in bed, we think of 1001 things and we keep our brains awake for too long. As a result, we fall asleep late and badly. Place two slices of lemon coated with salt , can change that. Indeed, research suggests that the smell of lemon calms the brain , calms nerves and emotions . So if you are a person prone to bedtime anxiety, this technique is your remedy! In addition, adopting lemons in our bedroom can improve our concentration . Note that this does not mean that you will be ready to do math all night. It is more for people with insomnia. Lemon helps focus on relaxation exercises , which can promote an optimal setting for restful sleep. Clearly, thanks to its soothing benefits on our brain, no more thinking too much to lose sleep!

Sleeping with lemon:an ally for getting up in great shape

If the lemon will become our best ally to wake up in great shape, it is thanks to its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. In this season, it's the return of the nasty colds and sore throats , which prevent us from breathing properly. When you sleep, nothing is worse than feeling this respiratory discomfort. Fortunately, by simply placing lemon next to our bed, this can change. Its scent will help clear your nostrils and sinuses . When you wake up, you will feel much better than the night before. We are also forced to admit that it is becoming more and more difficult to get out of bed. Well, the lemon is going to help us get off on the right foot. The smell of lemon helps increase serotonin levels in the brain, giving a sense of happiness and makes us forget negative thoughts morning.

Sleeping with lemon:goodbye insects and bacteria

You have noticed that despite the time of year, mosquitoes are always present, right? Well to keep them away and sleep without waking up with huge pimples, we will use lemon. Placing slices of lemon in your room would be beneficial to repel all types of insects . So, no unwanted guests in your cozy nest. Finally, thanks to its anti-bacterial properties, lemon is perfect for a sanitized bedroom where you will love to sleep. For even more efficiency, renew the slices once a week !