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Why sleeping naked is better for your health?

To avoid dieting

By falling asleep naked, you will burn more calories to maintain your constant temperature; and calories burned are meters less during Sunday jogging. In addition, the melatonin produced during the night will allow better cell regeneration. The secretion of this sleep hormone, also present in the skin, will improve the quality of your complexion and your hair.

It promotes deep sleep

Say goodbye to overheated bedrooms and pajamas! If you want to fall asleep quickly and go deep into it, know that falling asleep naked promotes the proper functioning of your internal clock because it lowers your body temperature and your circadian rhythm is there. So you can say goodbye to waking up in the middle of the night with sweaty temples.

To reduce the risk of acne

You like sebum, this natural oil produced by the skin, right? Well, who says clothes in bed, says perspiration and therefore stronger secretion of this damn lipid film which is often the cause of skin problems such as acne.

For better intimate hygiene

Falling asleep naked allows you not to suffer from too much perspiration in the intimate area, and we know that humidity promotes the outbreak of bacteria. So falling asleep without clothes is concretely reducing the risk of fungal infections in women and in men, his testicles do not overheat, the possibility of having a better quality sperm.

Because it makes you happy

Clothes warm our bodies so imagine under a duvet. So sleep naked to say no to excess heat in bed because it increases the secretion of cortisol which will tend to promote stress. Hormone which we will gladly do without in this specific case.

For a better life as a couple

Obviously the naked body of the loved one at his side gives ideas and this helps to maintain the flame. A survey of 1,000 married couples in the UK found that 57% of those who slept naked said they were "extremely happy of their couple compared to 48% who preferred to sleep in pajamas.