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Is bread good or bad for your health?

Every second, 320 baguettes are consumed and produced in France. Hard to believe ? It is, however, a reality. Even if the consumption of bread has decreased significantly in France in recent years, the French remain attached to their traditional baguette. This is why, every year, around May 16, bakers from all over France mobilize to organize various sporting and gastronomic events and events in French towns and villages. The 22nd edition is taking place right now, until Sunday, May 21, 2017. The opportunity to take stock of nutritional intake and received ideas about bread consumption.

Why is bread really essential to us?

While we have gone, in just one century, to a daily consumption of bread from 900 g to 150 g, it would nevertheless seem that this food is a key element of our nutritional balance. Extremely rich in carbohydrates, bread helps regulate a diet that is too rich in fats and fast sugars. This is why it is good to eat it in the morning in particular, because its carbohydrates allow our brain and our muscles to function well, and also constitute reserves for the day. Without forgetting the nutrients such as minerals, B vitamins, fibers (for wholemeal breads) or vegetable proteins contained in bread and beneficial for the body.

Does bread make you fat?

Like any other food, it should obviously not be abused. But at no time should bread be completely banned from diets. It all depends on what you eat and what you spread on it. Needless to say, a slice of bread buttered with jam is not the lightest. Some nutritionists also point out that bread can help control weight thanks to the combination of sugars and fiber. So no, bread does not make you fat provided you eat it in reasonable quantities!

Which bread to choose?

Today, there is a very wide variety of bread:bakery baguette, industrial bread, sandwich bread or frozen bread, the choice is vast! As you can imagine, baked bread is the best nutritionally (and tastefully, it must be said). For better digestion, on the other hand, prefer sandwich bread, frozen or industrial, which will keep longer.

And Happy Bread Day!