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Some deodorants are bad for your health

This is the somewhat worrying information revealed by two Swiss researchers. André-Pascal Sappino and Stefano Mandriota published a study in the International Journal of Cancer which shows that the aluminum salts contained in deodorants would promote the appearance of tumours. To reach this conclusion, the two men tested several deodorants on mice.

Mouse mammary cells were brought into contact with doses of aluminum salts (1,500 to 100,000 times lower than those present in conventional deodorants). After a few months, these doses were injected into three groups of healthy mice. The result ? All groups developed tumors, to varying degrees, sometimes forming metastases. “Our work […] has demonstrated that these salts are not harmless […] they induce marked alterations in the cells of the mammary gland recapitulating key stages of malignant transformation” , explained the researchers.

A strongly contested study

So why aren't aluminum salts simply banned from our deodorants? There is reason to be reassured:nothing proves that the study carried out in the laboratory on mice has the same consequences on humans. The doctor Luc Multigner warns:“These works do not make it possible to de facto deduce real consequences in humans”, he explains to Sciences et Avenir. A theory supported by another health specialist, Khalil Zaman:“the reality of the human body is not that of the laboratory”. He insists that further studies will have to be carried out in order to confirm or refute the results found by the pair of Swiss scientists.

To be continued, therefore.