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Missed pill:two out of five women concerned

What do you think is the second most common forgetfulness after forgetting to remove makeup before going to bed? You see right:the pill. The survey, conducted by Opinion Health and the Bayer laboratory focused on 500 women of the generation of "Millennials" (Generation Y in French, i.e. women born during the decades 1980-1990) aged 21 to 29 who would be the ones who forget the no longer take their daily contraception. The changes that occur at these ages would be linked to these forgetfulness, stress being particularly implicated.

They would be 39%, i.e. two out of five women, said they had forgotten their contraception at least once in the month preceding the study. And 80% of them have forgotten their contraception at least once over a full year. The main reason given by 40% of respondents is too busy a schedule, followed by a lack of rigor in the schedules of doses, and finally 32% of them explain that the pill would not be stored in a sufficiently visible place. .

Upheavals linked to the change in the rhythm of life

The repeated forgetting of these grips would be partly due to the change in the rhythm of life between the twenties and the thirties. As Dr. Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist, points out:“stress can cause some memory impairment and forgetfulness of daily tasks. However, most of the daily activities forgotten by Millennials […] have minimal consequences. On the other hand, forgetting to take the pill can disrupt women's lives and change their plans for the future. More than 3 out of 4 French women who took part in this survey believe that all of these lifestyle changes are a source of concern and that they increase their level of stress.

55% of women surveyed also think they are more likely to forget to take the pill when they are worried. Thus the start of a new job or a new training course (experienced by 48% of women in all countries) and moving (45%) would be the reasons for omissions. The latter would also have considered other methods of contraception, which do not require daily attendance.