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Sparkling water makes us hungry and promotes weight gain

As we said a few weeks ago, the consumption of sugary drinks or sodas is bad for your health. Specifically, it promotes weight gain and increases bad cholesterol, due to sweeteners and added sugars. Well, a new study claims that sparkling water is just as bad for our health. Indeed, according to West Bank scientists, sparkling water would encourage weight gain by opening the appetite. The explanation? The carbon dioxide present in the water would increase our feeling of hunger, without the body really needing to eat. As a result, we eat more and we gain weight, logical.

A simple observation

To reach this conclusion, the researchers conducted an experiment with rats but also with human beings, since 20 volunteers participated. They investigated whether levels of ghrelin (an appetite-stimulating digestive hormone) increased when drinking sparkling water. The result is very simple, the rats or volunteers who consumed sparkling water were on average 20% hungrier than those who drank only water. Let it be said:if you are looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, sparkling water should therefore be banned from our daily lives (or at least, to be consumed in moderation).