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8 perfectly normal moments when you gain weight

Do you notice that you are starting to put on weight and are you getting frustrated as a result? Of course we can imagine that very well… But did you know that there are also a lot of reasons that can cause weight gain that are completely normal and for which you really don't have to punish yourself for?

1. You drank more than usual

You probably recognize this:you've had a day full of Zoom calls without room for a break or fresh air and you pour a glass of wine to relax. One glass becomes two glasses and you repeat this habit more often during the week… Many people tend to drink more when they are stressed, which can often cause them to gain weight. Alcohol can make you feel numb, which often makes you less active. Also, more alcohol means more calories, which add up quickly if you don't watch what you consume. Therefore, try to find other ways to reduce your stress, such as walking, mediation, breathing exercises, journaling and other creative activities.

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2. You have started a new workout routine

There may be periods in your life when you exercise more or less than usual and these of course also affect your weight. If you're just starting a strength-training workout routine, chances are you'll gain weight. In fact, it could be a sign that you're doing well. When we exercise, micro-tears appear in our muscles and our body has to work to heal them. In the long term, this will build muscle mass, but in the short term, it will make you retain more fluid, making you heavier. So don't be discouraged and focus on the end result!

3. You are on your period

Your period brings with it its symptoms, such as cravings, cramps and, unfortunately, weight gain. You retain more fluid before and after your period, so you often gain weight at those times, you are more likely to suffer from a bloated stomach and you can become constipated. A few days after you finish your period, the extra weight will go away on its own, so don't worry about it. You can drink extra water and exercise beforehand, so that your symptoms will be less severe and you will feel less bloated.

4. You have an underlying health problem

Some weight factors you can control, others you can't. If you're resistant to insulin or PCOS or another hormone-related disorder, it may be more difficult to lose weight. Antidepressants can also have this effect. As annoying as it can be to deal with weight gain along with your other symptoms, it can help to focus on feeling better, having more energy, and doing things that make you happy. Try to keep your mood and energy positive in this way and try to find support from your doctor, dietician or therapist. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

5. You are getting older

While getting older is sometimes less fun, it's important to remember that everyone faces the same struggles as they get older. You are not alone! Weight gain is a natural part of aging thanks to hormone fluctuations and changing muscle mass. Instead of focusing on one number, focus on a balanced fitness routine to stay flexible, strong and fit. Strength exercises can also help you maintain your figure as you get older; building muscle can affect your resting metabolism, keeping you burning fat long after you exercise. It also helps keep your tendons, joints and bones stronger. So win-win!

6. You are pregnant

Your pregnancy is a special period that not only results in extra weight, but also needs it. After all, you are trying to make a person grow in your body and you need extra weight for that. Most women gain between 7 and 12 pounds during their pregnancy, but not all of that is fat. In fact, the weight comes from many more things that are needed during your pregnancy, such as the baby itself, the placenta, the fluid, your uterus, your breast tissue, more blood, your stock of fat, proteins and other nutrients and the amniotic fluid. It makes sense that you gain weight, right?

7. You are dealing with a pandemic

An unexpected, confusing situation can cause a lot of stress and fatigue. You may need a gentle reminder that it's not important now to fit into your jeans from last year; your mental health is much more important. Stress can cause you to get too little sleep, which makes you feel the need for comfort food, which often contains more calories. Since we can't change the world right now, it's best to start with ourselves:make your daily habits mindful. For example, start by setting achievable goals – eat more vegetables with your dinner or do meal prep. There are plenty of healthier habits that you can slowly adopt, even when you're stressed. Give it a try!

8. You are a human

The number on the scale is not an indication of your health. Your health goes far beyond your weight and there is no ideal clothing size that is realistic – or healthy – for everyone. We are all unique and that is what makes us so beautiful! Listen to your body and be proud that you were able to experience another day, then your weight is ultimately an afterthought that you can choose to focus on if you want.