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8 creative ways to move more when you can't go outside

Are you at home a lot and do you miss your beloved gym? Fortunately, you can also find a lot of ways at home to stay active without having to go outside. We have described eight for you so that you can keep moving for the time being, but above all be creative yourself. Good luck!

Read also :’20 minute workout that only requires stairs'

1. Dance away

Create a playlist with all your favorite songs - the ones that really make your heart beat faster - and dance like no one is watching. Not only does this boost your mood, it's also good for your health. You also combat the effect of aging in your brain, stimulate your balance and stability and improve the health of your heart and blood vessels. In addition, it is also just great fun to do, of course!

2. Take a squat break

You don't need a gym to do your squats! In fact, you can do them anywhere you want. Squatting, a natural and functional pattern of movement, not only increases your muscle activity compared to sitting, but can also reduce the risk of certain health problems (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity). Squat it like it's hot! For example, do it when you brush your teeth; by squatting twice a day for two minutes you can tense every muscle in your lower body in a short time, but with noticeable effect.

3. Strike a pose

Whether you're a yogi or not, yoga can help you relax in times of stress. And all you need is a mat or towel! The following two poses can help you engage your entire body, both in terms of your muscles and your energy fields. Are you going to try them?

Pose 1:Warrior I
Why? It strengthens your legs, opens your hips and chest and stretches your arms and legs
1. Stand with your right foot in front of your left foot about 4 steps in between. Turn the toes of your left foot out at a 45-degree angle.
2. Keep your back leg straight and bend your front knee. Make sure your knee doesn't go past your ankle. Keep your hips and shoulders rotated forward.
3. Extend your arms past your ears and bring your palms together until they touch. Look up.
4. Hold this pose for three breaths, then switch sides.

Pose 2:Crow pose
Why? It strengthens your core, arms, back, wrists and groin.
1. Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lower your torso between your legs.
2. Place your hands on the floor, contract your lower abs and lift your hips, placing your knees on your upper arms.
3. Shift your weight onto your hands, lean forward and slowly lift one foot off the floor. Then try to lift the other foot and pull your feet in towards your buttocks.
4. Hold this pose for three breaths.

4. Combine cooking and gymnastics

You probably spend more time in the kitchen now, which gives you the perfect opportunity to keep moving there too. For example, doing some leg lifts while you whip up a healthy meal for yourself and your family. By lifting your leg to the left, right or back, you can train your glutes and outer thighs in an easy and fun way while you cook. Looking for more challenge? Then use a short resistance band around your thighs or ankles to make the exercise more intensive.

5. Keep walking

Do you spend a large part of the day on conference calls and FaceTime calls? Then do that as you walk around your house. For example, walk back and forth the length of your house, around the kitchen table or even up and down the stairs. Research shows that it can boost your energy levels, mood and immune system if you keep walking and exercising. That happens even if you do this for 20 minutes, so you can realize this even during one call.

6. Get creative with furniture

Did you know that your house is full of unconventional workout materials? For example, think of your bank. Because of the cushions on your couch, it is more unstable than on the floor and your muscles have to work harder.

1. Lie on your back on the bench with your arms and legs extended.
2. Lift your torso and legs at the same time to bring your hands toward your feet. Hold this.
3. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat the exercise.

Try doing 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps for noticeable results!

You can also use a chair or stool to move more, namely for push-ups and dips.

Exercise 2:Pushups
1. Stand in a high plank with your hands on a stool or chair. Place your hands a little further than shoulder width apart.
2. Tighten your abs and lower your arms until your chest almost touches the chair. Hold this attitude.
3. Push yourself up to your starting position. Make sure that you continue to tighten your entire torso.
4. Try to do as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.

Exercise 3:Dips
1. Stand between two crutches (with one hand on each crutch) or at the end of a chair (with your hands on the chair behind you).
2. Lower your hips so that your legs bend and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your arms stretched out.
3. Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the floor until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.
4. Push yourself up to the starting position and repeat the exercise for 45 seconds.

7. Burn calories with chores

Being stuck at home gives you a good excuse to turn boring chores into sports opportunities. For example, think of mountain climbers with dustpans under your feet, bicep curls with bottles of detergent or Russian twists while you are clearing your bookcase. Be creative and get moving!

Exercise 1:Mountain climbers
1. Get into a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from your head to your toes.
2. Bring your right knee to your chest while contracting your abs at the same time.
3. Return your right knee to the starting position.
4. Then bring your left knee to your chest and extend it back to the starting position. Switch legs at your own pace.

Exercise 2:Bicep curls
1. Stand with a weight (or bottle of detergent) in each hand with your palms toward the ceiling and your hands about shoulder-width apart.
2. Keep your elbows tucked to your sides and your chest up as you bring the weights toward your shoulders. Focus on contracting your biceps when you've brought the weights all the way up.
3. Now slowly lower the weights until your elbows are fully extended.

Exercise 3:Russian twists
1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent.
2. Tighten your abs and twist your torso to the right. Also bring your arms (with your books in your hands) to your right side.
3. Turn back through the center and twist to the left. Keep repeating this movement.

8. Take a television break

You probably also watch more TV now that you spend more time at home. Therefore do workouts every time there is a commercial; move in 20 second intervals until your program starts again. Want to watch more of Netflix? Then exercise during the episodes or take some exercise between the episodes. For example, try doing sit-ups, planks, push-ups, lunges, and squats during your television breaks. Alternate them for an effective workout!
