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Which sport are you going to do? 5 workouts and their benefits!

You have a lot of sports these days, but which sport suits you? A lot of it will have to do with what you enjoy doing and certain goals. This is how you make the best choice.

In this article, we'll show you five popular workout forms, along with their pros and cons. It gives you a clear picture and you can then make a well-considered decision.

It's a mix that some do for fun, and others to achieve certain goals. This way you not only make the best choice, but in some cases also the most efficient choice (e.g. to lose weight).

Exercise is healthy!

For starters, everyone should actually participate in sports. For example, there are numerous studies that show that your overall health gets a big boost.

It also makes you happier! People who exercise often have more strength, energy and stamina and contribute to a better well-being.

Go through the list of work-outs below and then get to work!

5 workouts for you in a row!

Below we show you 5 common training forms, with their pluses and minuses.


Dive into the gym and then walk out with muscles, six pack and a smile on your face. It won't happen overnight, but it will as long as you keep going every time! That's why you see more and more people going to the gym these days.

Benefits: more strength, more condition, more stamina, more energy, healthier, often a happier feeling and more self-confidence.

Cons: risk of injury (in case of incorrect execution).

It does require the necessary discipline to really see and notice the results! You have plenty of people who start it, and then don't come for a few weeks. You make the choice yourself, but it is best to go to the gym at least 3 times a week.

Cardio workouts

They are often done to get in shape, but boosting fat burning is also an important reason. Think of different variants such as running, cross training, spinning, rowing or climbing stairs. Most gyms are full of them and nowadays you can easily purchase them for home use.

Benefits: you build up more condition, many variations, fat burning goes up.

Cons: fat burning is higher in some variants, and lower in others.


HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is much more effective than cardio. It is important that its implementation is correct. You will deliver large explosions of power in a short time, interspersed with periods of rest. The training sessions usually don't take that long and you can be ready between 10 and 30 minutes (depending on the training and level). Your combustion will not only be higher during, but also after the workouts.

Benefits: high fat burning, building strength, fun and varied.

Cons: it is important to start in the right way, otherwise you will not get the most out of it.

4. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is becoming more and more popular and you see it more and more on the schedule in 'normal' gyms. It is of course very different from most other sports and you have to really like it. Furthermore, it is not the case that you immediately have to do competitions, there are plenty of options. What is characteristic is that condition also plays an important role here. You build up strength and you learn many kick and punch techniques, but also defense tactics.

Benefits: you learn all the techniques of kickboxing, build up more condition, exercise together in a group, get more strength.

Cons: with fanatical kickboxing you can sometimes run into an injury (bruises, abrasions, to sporadically other injuries).

You can go to a real kickboxing gym or most other gyms. For various martial arts (including kickboxing) you usually also need the necessary equipment. You can see on this website which things are involved.

Running or endurance sport

There are a lot of people who enjoy running, or do it for other reasons. Now you may enjoy it and want to participate in running events. There are marathons, city tours or walking through nature reserves. It can sometimes be useful for them to make good preparations for this.

Many people also do it to lose weight. You definitely burn calories running. The more intensively and longer you run, the more stored body fat you burn. However, it is not the most efficient way to increase your combustion. Some other sports are just a little better suited for this.

Benefits: running in the open air or on a treadmill, building up more condition, various fun rounds, fun to do together, building more strength.

Cons: costs are slightly higher for good preparation (running shoes, outfit, wearables), less injury-free than other sports in case of incorrect execution and preparation, not the most effective way to increase your fat burning.

Which sport will you start with?

Of course you can also choose a lot of other sports, but we have now highlighted a few popular sports. We recommend that you at least start with something. This way you will quickly reap the benefits!