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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Which sport suits you?

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to keep fit with Santé. Today Marianne helps you choose the sport that suits you.

'I want to exercise, now what?
When you have decided to start exercising, it is recommended that you choose a sport that you really enjoy and can sustain for a longer period of time. Not sure what exactly? Choose a sport that you can easily practice, such as walking, running or cycling. You might like it, or come across a sport that appeals to you more at a later date.

Three kinds of sports
To help you, there are three types of sport:team sport, individual sport and semi-individual sport.

1. Team sport
A team sport is a sport that you practice as a team. That means that as an individual you are part of a larger whole; the team. In a team sport you win or lose together and it is all about achieving results together, making each other better and absorbing each other in difficult situations. Well-known team sports are:football, hockey and volleyball.

2. Individual sport
You practice an individual sport alone, without an opponent. You can train with a team, but results are individual. Examples of individual sports are swimming or cycling.

3. Semi-individual sport
Semi-individual sports are practiced individually but with an opponent. Think, for example, of tennis, where you play against someone else.'

Which sport appeals to you most?

Missed tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.