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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Can we keep up with sports?

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to stay fit with Santé.

Marianne: 'Unfortunately, in practice it appears that people aged eighteen to thirty do less sport. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, sport is practiced in groups at a young age. Children are more likely to take the initiative to join an association. When they have had enough of their sport at some point, the sport is often stopped. After this, they are less likely to take the initiative to get involved in this again.

A second reason is that some simply don't have time for it anymore, because they have other obligations. High demands are placed on study and work in this age group. A relationship often comes into play, they start living on their own, cohabitate or get married and they start a family. Sports is often no longer so high on the priority list. That does not alter the fact that it would be good for everyone to be equally intensively busy every day.

People generally become more active again between the ages of thirty and sixty. When there is more peace in one's personal life, one is settled and the study is completed, one becomes more aware of the necessity of exercise. Weight gain or the result of a medical examination is often the reason. Regular exercise is recommended to relieve tension, control body weight and minimize physical decline due to aging.

Hint! When you stop exercising, you notice that your condition decreases considerably:you are no longer able to walk long distances, there is also a chance that you will gain weight because you have not adapted your diet to the fact that you are exercising stopped. It is advisable to try to do sports at least twice a week. If it is not possible to practice a sport, then a daily walk or bicycle ride is necessary.'

Missed a tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.