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Smokers are 3 times more likely to lose their teeth

We already know that smoking is expensive, but the cost of cigarettes increases when it causes you to lose a tooth and have to replace it... Because the more you smoke, the more risk you have of losing them, puts in light of a recent British study. “We could not precisely assess the risk for the smallest smokers but our study shows a very clear dose-effect relationship. So that a person who smokes 'only' 5 cigarettes a day will also suffer deterioration, even if it will be less important, "explains one of the researchers of the study to Figaro .

Before the age of 50, a non-smoking man has 27 "real" teeth, while a light smoker has only 25. The more a person smokes, the more his number of teeth decreases. After the age of 60, a non-smoker will keep an average of 20 teeth, and a smoker will only have 12 if he smokes a little, or 10 if he smokes a lot! It calms. Suddenly, we really start vaping (read Vaping, 95% less worse than smoking). Or we stop smoking altogether (How to quit smoking?)!