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Women are more likely than men to be addicted to cannabis

Cannabis debates have been going on for several years now. Its therapeutic virtues against certain diseases have pushed governments to legalize it (controlled, in most cases), but the dependence it can generate among consumers should not be minimized, and women are the first concerned. This is indeed what the National Research Council of Italy suggests:although men are 4 times more likely to try cannabis and consume larger quantities more frequently, it is women who have the most risk of becoming dependent on estrogen, the female sex hormone. They are biologically more sensitive to the effects of drugs and the release of dopamine in the brain, which instantly creates pleasure. “Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in the world , explains Dr. Liana Fattore, author of the study. Despite being associated with negative health effects, including the risk of developing an addiction, medical and recreational cannabis is increasingly legalized. In addition, synthetic cannabis [more powerful than cannabis but which imitates its effects, and deemed unfit for consumption, Ed] is gaining popularity and is associated with waves of poisoning and occasional deaths. Identifying the factors involved in cannabis use and addiction then becomes essential .

10% of consumers become addicted

While the exact reason for women's greater 'sensitivity' isn't known, scientists are certain that sex plays a major role in regulating cannabinoids, the chemicals that activate cannabis receptors in the human body. and in mammals. “Animal studies suggest that endogenous mechanisms [i.e. produced by the body itself, such as estrogen, editor’s note] are at the origin of sensitivity to cannabinoids. In rats, the female hormone called estradiol impacts movement control, social behavior and the filtration of sensory information in the brain – aspects concerned with drug use – by modulating the endocannabinoid system. In turn, this system influences the production of estradiol continues Dr. Fattore. According to figures from the NHS, the British public health system, 10% of cannabis users become addicted, the risk being increased if you start when you are young or if you take it every day. Not to mention a potential addiction to tobacco, often associated with drugs. The best thing is to never try...