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We know why women have more severe allergies than men!

Researchers had noticed for a long time now that women seemed to suffer from more severe allergies than their male counterparts. But the question of why persisted without finding an answer.

Blame it on estrogen!

It seems that we have finally found the culprits of this inequality:estrogens, these natural hormones secreted by the ovary, ensuring the formation, maintenance and functioning of the genitals and breasts in women. We owe this discovery to researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, says NIAID, who published this news in "The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology".

An important advance for medicine

So-called "normal" allergies usually cause sneezing, swelling, and other rashes. Reactions which, although always unpleasant, are not fatal, unlike anaphylaxis. And it is above all for all the people who suffer from anaphylaxis that this discovery is a great step forward because it could lead to a treatment to prevent the pressure in the vessels from increasing and causing heart attacks.

Modification of your treatments

All the gray areas have not yet been clarified by the researchers but this information is already very useful:if you are the victim of severe allergies and you are taking various treatments which could have an influence on your estrogen, talk to in with your doctor to find, if possible, a different treatment. Because in France, about one in four French people is a victim of allergy but although there are solutions to reduce the symptoms, no medicine has been found to overcome it. Hopefully it's only a matter of time!