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Why do some have white hair younger than others?

Your first white hair, you may have had it in your twenties. So, when you saw that your neighbor still has a beautiful natural color, when she is over fifty, you want to tear your hair out!

"But whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! you ask yourself, shouting dramatically (but inwardly) into the street. A study conducted by the hair care brand Charles Worthington allows us to see a little more clearly. To study this phenomenon, the hair and lifestyles of 2,000 women were scrutinized in England. Here are their findings:

33 years old:this is the average age when the hair of these British women lost their color. Note that this age evolves according to the base color. The first to go to the dark (er, light actually) side of the force would be redheads (30), followed by brunettes (32) and blondes (35).

Fatigue:it would be one of the keys to this change. One in ten women noticed their first white hair at age 21, and one in four women at age 25. According to the researchers, seeing these first white hairs before the age of 30 could be a sign of lack of sleep, which would accelerate the loss of natural color. Previous studies had already placed in the basket of these non-genetic factors stress, tobacco, intense exposure to the sun or even diseases such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies or thyroid disorders.

Occupation:Your job can also say a lot about the vitality of your hair! For example, the hair of call center employees would turn gray in their 35s, compared to 27 in the show business. Go find out why…

The good news:but fortunately, our view of gray hair is changing! It's not just Brad Pitt or George Clooney that can be sexy! Because according to this survey, 10% of women would not want to dye their hair white, seeing it as a symbol of "experience and wisdom". So yes, 10% is still not a lot but the movement is launched! Whew!