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Mutual health insurance:why do women spend more than men?

Make a comparison first to find the best mutual health insurance

To find the best complementary health insurance without wasting too much time, do not hesitate to compare mutual funds online. Today, there are comparison sites of particularly reliable and efficient online health mutuals to find the complementary offer that best suits your needs, your expectations and your budget.

Opt for a completely free online mutual insurance comparator, without obligation and which does not depend on a particular insurance company. This type of site is usually available 24/7. You will thus be able to find the best offer quickly, without leaving your home or making many phone calls. Thanks to an online insurance comparator, you will be able to compare dozens of contracts adapted to your situation and your needs, whether in terms of mutual insurance services or contract cost.

Why do women opt for higher mutual health coverage?

In general, women have a slightly higher level of contribution than men when they take out mutual health insurance. Indeed, we generally find that they choose to benefit from additional guarantees in comparison with their male counterparts. Women more often seek specific medical care such as consultations with a gynecologist or obstetrician.

They are also more likely to use alternative medicine (acupuncture, osteopathy, sophrology, reflexology, naturopathy) to treat the disorders and ailments from which they suffer. This trend is observed a lot in men who make less use of these unconventional care techniques. These alternative medicine treatments represent significant additional expenses, especially since they are often relatively high fees, and not covered by Social Security. Women therefore very often decide to choose a mutual insurance contract covering the expenses related to these alternative practices.

What criteria should be taken into account to choose the right mutual health insurance?

Even if you are an employee, having health insurance is essential to cover certain medical expenses that are only very little (if at all) covered by Social Security:hospitalizations, surgical operations, eyeglasses or dental care.

But to lighten your expenses, while enjoying maximum coverage, you must choose your health mutual carefully. . Indeed, the offers differ enormously from one insurance to another. The lowest price doesn't automatically mean it's the best deal, so be careful!

Here are some essentials you need to consider to find the best contract:

  • reimbursement rates
  • the warranties
  • warranty exclusions
  • the waiting period
  • general conditions

Note that all these points are studied by online comparators of mutual health insurance . You will be able to make an informed choice by relying on their services. They usually select the best insurances in order to offer users the best offers according to their needs.