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Some diseases affect men more than women

When they are sick, men often (always?) look like they are about to die. They can no longer do anything on their own, they constantly complain, they are irritable... And we get annoyed with that:we blame them for being small natures, comedians and we don't take them seriously. But maybe they're not exaggerating that much after all! According to a study, viruses are indeed more aggressive with men than with women. Researchers from Royal Holloway University in London explain why in an article in Nature Communications.

The virus evolution strategy

Until now, the reasons put forward by scientists only evoked the differences between the immune system of women and that of men. But following the observation of the HTLV-1 virus, researchers at Royal Holloway University came to a completely different conclusion. Viruses actually implement an adaptation strategy to survive and spread. Women are therefore an ideal target since they can transmit infections to their partners, but also to their children during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Viruses therefore have every interest in keeping them alive, and therefore less aggressive with them, in order to continue to evolve. Since men do not have this advantage, viruses attack them more! So they wouldn't be so comedians like that our men... Well, on the other hand, if they make tons of them because of a cold, we are always entitled to doubt their good faith, right?!