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Morning people are less at risk of breast cancer

The future belongs to those who get up early, as the saying goes. It is probably more true than one thinks, if one interprets the term “future” in the sense of “long life”. In any case, this is what a recent study carried out by the University of Bristol, in England, suggests:researchers have managed to determine that morning people have a lower risk of getting breast cancer, after analyzing thousands and thousands of data. Early risers have exactly between 40 to 48% less risk of being affected by the disease. And bad news for those who have trouble emerging in the morning:there is not much you can do about it, since this characteristic is partly genetic. Indeed, this second type of person would be affected by a genetic mutation which has the effect of slightly delaying their biological clock, which is why they naturally get up later when they have the opportunity. The study in question succeeded in establishing a link between the mutation in question and an increased risk of contracting breast cancer.

There is no point in changing your habits

At the same time, it was discovered that sleeping more than the recommended time could be harmful:exceeding 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night would increase by 20% (per additional hour of sleep!) the risk of contracting breast cancer in women. . This is not negligible, in fact… The author of the study, Dr. Rebecca Richmond, looks back on the research stages. "By analyzing genetic variants, people's preferences for morning or evening, sleep time and tendency to insomnia, we tried to find out if these aspects played any part in the risk of to be affected by breast cancer one day “, explains the expert. And to note that "changing habits does not necessarily modify the risk of breast cancer, the reality is more complex than that ". “However, the protective effect against the risks of breast cancer in morning people does exist concludes the doctor. And you, in which category do you belong? Early risers, we can say that you leave with a hell of a head start...