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Tea or coffee:which drink for which benefits?

Two schools oppose each other in everyday life:those who prefer to drink tea for its benefits, and those who opt for coffee for its energizing side. Well, and then there are also the others, who drink both for taste. But what to do when our heart swings? Here are some ways to ease a daily dilemma…


Why is it good for health? If you drink it moderately (i.e. 2 to 3 cups a day), coffee has been shown to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and even… certain risks of premature death! It would also prevent us from certain cancers since it is very concentrated in antioxidants, which partly counter the anticipated aging of cells. Pretty cool!

But we must not abuse it… because we can become completely addicted to it! And if we drink too much of it, we considerably increase our risk of hyper-tension (some even feel their pulse speed up instantly). Caffeine also influences our sleep, so we avoid drinking coffee at least 6 hours before going to bed (and no need to let go of deca either, it still contains a little…).


Why is it good for health? It also has a very high level of antioxidants, and therefore fights against the physical signs of aging (it is therefore good against wrinkles)! It also improves the quality of our bones, and our brain capacity… Tea also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Overall, tea is good for body and soul!

But we should not abuse it… because it contains tannins that yellow the teeth. They also reduce the good assimilation of iron by up to 70%… We especially avoid consuming it during meals. And like coffee, tea contains caffeine (then called theine) which can prevent some people who are sensitive to it from falling asleep.

So have you made your choice? On our side we are still hesitating...