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Que Choisir offers to compare optical quotes for free

The ophthalmologist's verdict is in and confirms our doubts:we will now have to wear eyeglasses... The "good" news is that we are not alone, since, according to a report produced by DREES (the Department of Research, Studies and Evaluation and Statistics), 7 out of 10 French people over the age of 20 wear glasses. The bad news is that, despite the reimbursements of complementary health insurance, the final sum to be paid is sometimes (very) high. To support consumers, the association Que Choisir has therefore put an optical quote comparison tool online. Well thought out!

A fast and free comparator

Price comparators allow us to make real savings on a daily basis, especially for transport. But here we are, as far as the glasses are concerned, we weren't a little off. Fortunately, thanks to this new optical quote comparator (in other words, an optician comparator), we can find the best price according to our correction, and this, among the wide range of offers. As Que Choisir explains:"On 8 consumer profiles tested (children and adults), the analysis of our database of 215,000 quotes shows that for the same correction, the prices of lenses vary at least from simple to double according to the optician” . How it works ? To test the service, simply connect to the association's website then complete a quick form based on your prescription, or on an optical estimate... And that's it! The comparator can be tested free of charge until the end of February.

So, if you want to replace your old pair of glasses, go to the site without wasting time!