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10 ways to lose weight when you can't leave the house

Did you just intend to exercise more and get fit, but have your plans now been thwarted by the quarantine? Then we have the perfect solution for you:these are 10 relatively simple ways to maintain weight – or maybe even get fitter – when you can't leave the house. Which one are you going to try?

1. Stick to your routine

Working from home can be quite difficult with all the distractions. You have access to your fridge and pantry all day long and you are also more likely to be less active than on a 'normal' working day. That's why it's important to stick to your normal daily routine. Eat at the times when you would normally eat at the office. This reduces the chance that you will overeat and you can maintain your weight, even if you exercise less. For example, consider meal prepping the day before, so that you know exactly when you can eat what.

Read also :'6 post-workout eating pitfalls you probably fall into'

2. Do free online workouts

Are you used to going to the gym? Then it can be a difficult switch to suddenly have to exercise at home. Fortunately, nowadays there is more than enough material online to ensure that you can keep moving, even if you can't leave the house. And the most beautiful? They are often free! For example, use workout apps or follow workouts via YouTube and Instagram and keep moving. So no excuse to skip your sports moments! Santé participates in the Workout Challenge of the online work-out platform Studio C Online. Are you in?

3. Do not work in the kitchen

Do you have to work from home now? Then make sure you don't sit near the kitchen or at your dining table. From there it becomes very difficult to resist all those tasty snacks that are in your kitchen. The solution? Find a place where you can sit without being tempted by the fridge or pantry. This allows you to focus better on your work and you will snack less:win-win.

4. Get creative with household items

Don't have weights or other fitness items at home to do your workouts with? No worries:your household items can also come in handy here. So take a good look around your house for items that you can use. Think of chairs for exercises, cans and (wine) bottles as weights and towels for extra resistance. Be creative!

5. Eat enough fruits and vegetables

During periods when we are quite stressed, for example when we are forced to work at home, your body needs more nutrients. By eating at least six (or more) servings of fruits and vegetables a day, you can ensure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need for a well-functioning metabolism and positive energy. Want to keep you full for longer? Combine your fruits and vegetables with foods that are high in protein and fat, such as mixed nuts, hummus, nut butter and Greek yogurt.

6. Find a virtual gym buddy

Do you normally need a gym buddy to keep you motivated at the gym? Then you can also use a virtual gym buddy when you exercise at home! By using a video app like FaceTime, Skype or Zoom while exercising, you can start sweating with your workout buddy without leaving the house. This way he/she can motivate you to persevere (longer) during your workout and there is less chance that you skip your sports moments.

7. Drink plenty of water

Don't forget to refill your water bottle regularly. Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. When you're not hydrated enough, your cells can't function efficiently, causing them to slow down. This can cause your metabolism to come to a standstill. You will also feel hungry faster if you don't drink enough. So make sure you drink water before you give in to a binge again. In addition, drinking enough water also helps to keep your muscles flexible and functioning and to boost your energy level. You need that if you want to get through this stay-at-home period, believe us!

8. Listen to your hunger pangs

Do you really listen to your hunger pangs? By really listening to your hunger pangs, you can prevent overeating. Only eat when you are really hungry and not because you are bored or feeling stressed/sad/tense. It may just be that you think you are hungry, but that you really just need some relaxation. At the office you can of course easily go for a walk, talk to your colleagues or get a cup of coffee, but at home such a break quickly results in a snack break. Therefore, before you eat something again, ask yourself whether you are really hungry or just need to let off steam. Is it the latter? Then go for a short walk, take a journal break or do some sports or stretching.

9. Take squat breaks

Speaking of short sports breaks:after all that sitting still, your body could use some exercise. Your glutes, in particular, are having a hard time with all that hanging out and working from home. In fact, these muscles become sleepy when we sit too much. Therefore, try some exercises that can activate the muscles in your legs and buttocks, such as squats. Don't just do them during your breaks, but also when you're doing the housework, for example. Squatting empty the dishwasher? Check!

10. Don't snack behind your laptop

Many people snack while working from home because they are bored or looking for distraction while working. It's like watching television; it's easy to eat mindlessly while we're doing it if we keep a box of cookies to our television (or in this case, laptop). So listen again to your hunger pangs and get away from your computer when you do eat something. Take the time to eat something quiet, without distraction, and don't go to work until you are completely full. It really works!


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