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A new solution when you can't sleep because of the noise

Why good sleep is important

Sleeping well is absolutely essential. A lack of sleep can have particularly detrimental effects on our health, our mood and the quality of our work. Among other things, poor sleep can cause:

• Fatigue, overfatigue and stress
• Depressions
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Thyroid problems
• Risk of excess weight
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Learning difficulties
• Diabetes
• Reduced immune system performance

We must first identify the REAL causes of insomnia

They can be multiple and there are dozens of books that turn the problem around. So sometimes we can accuse a snoring husband of being the cause of our insomnia when in fact we can't stand her husband or his job anymore, and that's the reason why we can't sleep anymore. . Right:we can't sleep and the other next door snores, so we hear it, so we think that's the root of the problem. But in fact he's been snoring for ten years... And during the nine years we slept like a baby, the snorer didn't bother us

The innovative solution when the cause of insomnia is actually noise

Until now, we went to our pharmacist and asked for earplugs. Millions of people use them and find them perfect. The problem for others is that it creates excess pressure in the ear. The feeling is not very pleasant. If this is your case, there is a new solution:SleepSoft earplugs. It is the only ear protection with soft filters and is particularly suitable for people who sleep on their side. The AlpineAcousticFilters are innovative, because they make it possible to reduce annoying noises, all serious noises (snoring traffic, etc.), but you continue to hear your alarm clock, your baby or the doorbell… In short, all the noises that are in the spectrum raised. You can buy SleepSoft online on the Alpine website, they cost 10.95 Euros.