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Surprising:more than one mother in two has already tasted her breast milk!

A rather astonishing figure, which has been increasing for two decades already. Ten years ago, only 43% of women of the same age had tested and this was already more than the 38% of twenty years ago. Almost everyone who tried liked it, with a neutral or positive review after the experience. What to ask several questions:

Why taste?

The main reason, for 81% of respondents, is curiosity. And finally, according to 17% of them, this little tasting allowed them to better understand their infant's diet. And sometimes even to strengthen the bond with their baby. Notice to all the curious, we're counting on you to tell us about it.

What about dads?

Well they tasted it too! More than one in three dads have already been tempted by this milky tasting. As for women, this figure has been increasing for twenty years since from 27 to 29% of yesteryear, it is now 35%. And the male gender also greatly appreciated their taste discovery, almost all of them found the experience positive. The curiosity of our men is no longer a secret.

How does it taste?

Apparently, a more or less pronounced sweet taste is what mostly pleased. But more than half of the parents were still not won over by the taste of breast milk, even if nearly one in two parents found the beverage good or very good.

So, when are you testing?