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"Go get your breasts checked girls":Alice Detollenaere, Camille Lacourt's companion, has breast cancer

A hospital gown, an intravenous infusion on the forearm, a woman's hand holding that of a man, her man, Camille Lacourt. Alice Detollenaere shared this oh so moving snapshot on her Instagram account this Thursday, January 9, to inform that she has been fighting breast cancer for several months. "It's done. After months of research, doubts and medical vagaries, I finally had this sick breast removed , explains the 32-year-old model. We have been holding our breath for months. I write 'we' because a disease does not go away alone and inevitably impacts our loved ones . »

My Wife, My Hero »

Thus Miss Burgundy 2010 also took the opportunity to thank her lover for being present at her side during this painful ordeal:"I have the incredible chance to have with me a real circle and especially the best of men . A guy like that nurse told me , she says. You have supported me from the beginning and continue to do so with strength and courage, I am proud and lucky to have you with me. Camille Lacourt, meanwhile, chose to share the message of his companion in an Instagram story, accompanied by these pretty words:“My wife, My Hero .

“No one should feel isolated in this situation”

Alice Detollenaere who could not conclude her message without encouraging women to take breast cancer screening very seriously:"Because no one should feel isolated in this situation, because it should not be a shame, nor a taboo, go get your boobs checked, girls. Take care of yourself. »

87% of patients are alive 5 years after diagnosis

As a reminder, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. In 2018, nearly 60,000 new cases were diagnosed in France. If this disease is still responsible for 12,000 deaths this same year, the mortality rate associated with it has decreased in 15 years. This improvement can be explained by better screening but also by the development of ever more effective therapies. Currently, more than 87% of patients are alive 5 years after diagnosis and 76% after ten years.