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3 stretches to do when you wake up

Already overwhelmed barely out of bed, every morning it's a race, we wake up late, we run, and we feel stressed all day. The solution ? We ring the alarm clock about ten minutes earlier and we take the time to stretch our legs, back, neck and shoulders. For this, we have selected a few simple exercises that wake up the muscles, stretch the body, eliminate the feeling of heavy legs, the discomfort of the night and finally, restore tone to be in shape! Throughout this gymnastics, the movements must be fluid and without forcing (the splits when getting out of bed, we forget).

1/ Stretch the thighs and calves

When you wake up, you often have a feeling of heavy legs, so to find them light and flexible before starting the day (well), you can do these two exercises. First, we get on all fours, then we raise the buttocks towards the ceiling, so as to stretch the back of the thighs and calves. For the quadriceps (the muscle located on the top of the thigh), bend the knee and tilt it (one by one!) backwards, keeping the ankle on the buttock with your hand. Do not forget to squeeze your buttocks and stay straight, which also helps to keep your balance.

2/ Stretch the back

Back pain can come from a bad position, stress (which makes us tense) or even a wrong movement. So, to prevent these ailments, we encourage physical activity and we think about stretching in the morning. To start, we get on all fours and we make the “round back”, then we return to the initial position. We repeat this sequence several times, bringing in the stomach and lowering the neck. The second exercise consists of standing with your legs together, your feet straight and extending your arms (hands linked) towards the ceiling. As you exhale, tilt your body slightly to the left, then to the right.

3/ Stretch the shoulders and neck

We sometimes sleep in bad positions, suddenly we wake up with severe pain in the neck, mainly in the neck. To relax the muscles, you can start stretching by "drawing" small circles with your shoulders, then gently extend your neck to one side, then the other, without ever forcing. You can also help yourself by placing the palm of your hand on the opposite shoulder to stretch better. Finally, we bring the chin in the direction of the chest, which stretches the back of the neck, but also the back. During all these exercises we remember not to move the whole body, but just the upper part (shoulders and head), and we thus maintain each position for a few seconds.

That's a great way to start the day!