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Hygiene:if you do this when you wake up, it's a (very) big mistake!

Making your bed every morning, a matter of course for some, a chore for others. And those who are right in the end… they are the lazy ones! A study by researchers from a London university claims that it is bad for your health to make your bed in the morning directly after getting up; this for hygienic reasons. It would indeed be better to do it in the evening, but why? (and by the way what interest, but let's move on!).

Eczema, asthma, respiratory allergies…

It's no longer a secret that beds, especially sheets, are often breeding grounds for dust mites and bacteria. The study explains that when we make our bed, we cover all the little bugs hiding under our sheets. As a result, it increases their life expectancy because they are warm (and the heat increases the proliferation of bacteria, hummm!). When we get up, the sheets are wet because we sweat while sleeping, even if it is sometimes not obvious to our eyes. Without ventilation and with humidity, it is the perfect nest for a colony of mites (in a bed they would be counted by the million…).

For information, and it is useful to mention it know, they are responsible for potential skin problems such as eczema, asthma but also respiratory allergies that can lead to insomnia (super…).

A tip to counter this:leave the sheets wide open because the fresh air and the sun (when there is of course) eliminate them.