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This food additive is very dangerous for health and you have to be wary of it (it is very present!)

It's a sad reality, many food products that we consume daily are full of additives often harmful to health. Without you even realizing it, these additives cause a lot of damage to your body . And unfortunately, the new clinical study published in the medical journal Gastroenterology don't run the risk of contradicting us. Researchers in this study proved and warned about the dangerous effects of CMC (carboxymethylcellulose), a food additive very toxic to our health and very widespread. Spoiler:Our intestines are going to have to hold on tight if we ingest it.

Where is the CMC?

If the researchers wanted to sound the alarm about this additive, it is because of its very (too) large presence in our daily life. It is found in particular in prepared meals , called transformed. It is a molecule developed in the 1960s which aims to ‘improve the texture of food as well as their conservation . Also known as "emulsifier “, it is still used by most large agri-food groups , while it would alter the composition of the intestinal flora according to the conclusions of this scientific research carried out by experts from the Cochin Institute.

What are the consequences for our body?

In the family of the most serious consequences, we call colitis, inflammation, or colon cancer …As reported by CNews , when CMC is consumed by an individual, it changes the composition of the bacteria present in the gut , while deteriorating those beneficial to the body. Reactions to the CMC depend on each person. Some will suffer the most harmful ailments, while others will suffer no effect. “This study suggests that responses following CMC exposure are highly individualized ", analyzes Dr. Benoit Chassaing, research director at Inserm. New surveys are being conducted to find ways to identify the most vulnerable people and sensitive to the potential risks of food additives.