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Bad breath:how to remedy this scourge (for you and for others)

Having bad breath , it happens to everyone. The reasons for this phenomenon (very annoying) are multiple. In the medical community this problem is called “halitosis. ". As a general rule, in the vast majority of cases, bad breath is linked to questionable oral hygiene. :you don't brush your teeth enough, not long enough, or the wrong way. brushing teeth is three times a day at best, twice at worst. Concretely, the fact of not washing enough the teeth causes the creation of bacteria responsible for bad breath.

Getting rid of bad breath

But it is true that the advent of the mask clearly did not help matters and that there are other reasons for this repression of the bottleneck. When hunger strikes or when you are a victim gastric reflux . However, this is not a problem to be taken lightly. And fortunately there are solutions to alleviate bad breath other than with toothpaste (which unfortunately sometimes is not enough). These solutions include lemon juice, parsley, mint or coal. Here are for you all the best methods to mouth smell good and this, permanently. Seven one:we brush our teeth. Yes it's still the béaba .

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