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Health:what happens to our body when we stay at home all day for 24 hours

Between teleworking, winter, the Covid, our cocoon has become thetrue place to be . Whether we are a Christmas film team, or a new season of The Witcher, our desire is the same:to hibernate all day. After all, it's cold, and you don't want to be sick, so what's the point of going out ? If these "off" days can be beneficial for taking a break and cutting yourself off from the world , they are not without consequences on our body. As Madame Figaro teaches us , not leaving home all day would even be bad for both physical and mental health . We tell you the consequences of not leaving your home.

Why do you have to leave your couch?

As comforting as our home is, we must think about leaving it from time to time. According to our colleagues, enlightened by the lights of cardiologist and nutritionist Frédéric Saldmann , the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle are initially manifested by a loss of physical form . Not exercising or moving for several hours can lead to weight gain. Stress and ambient anxiety can push us to snack. Let it be said, it's never healthy things that fall under our teeth. Rather, they are foods that can be stored very easily , but which are difficult to eliminate. "We grow because there are entries - we continue to eat - but there are no more expenses because we do not move “explains the doctor. The second physical consequence is lack of sleep. Lack of exposure to natural light plays a role in our body. This is then disturbed which can cause insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

And for our morale?

Although staying at home alone can have some advantages, it can also lead to having dark thoughts . Alone, we have more time to think and this is where negative thoughts appear in our head. In the long run, they canlead to depression. And then there is the boredom that we have to face by doing nothing. “Although boredom can be good, and allows you to learn more about yourself through introspection, it becomes bad when it stays too long “, recalls Christophe Haag, researcher in social psychology at Madame Figaro. Finally, isolating oneself can lead to a feeling of social rejection . After being alone for too long, it will be more difficult to reconnect to the real world. Above all, that loneliness when it is not wanted and that it persists, can cause some suffering and quickly make us sink.

It is for all these reasons that it is important to offer at least 30 min of outing daily. This will allow us to take a breath of fresh air, and clear our minds.