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Coffee:here is the mistake that we all make to absolutely stop for our health

Espresso, latte, macchiato, or iced coffee, this drink is an essential part of our morning routine. Coffee is our ally to wake up from a deep sleep, or to re-energize before a painful meeting. Clearly, without him, our life would not be the same. However, although we love it, we tend to sometimes mistreat it at the expense of our own health. We are talking about when you reheat it after letting it cool too much before drinking it. This simple banality actually has adverse consequences on our health . Well, especially for the elderly.

Coffee:why it shouldn't be reheated

We have to admit, our first instinct is always to heat up our coffee when it is too cold for us. In a few seconds, we get a drink ready to give us energy, but at what cost. This is studies reported by Business Insider and the New York Times then relayed by our colleagues from GQ , who confirm that this routine is not good for your health . According to these, the microwave only warms our food on the surface. When our coffee has been out in the open for too long, the possible milk it contains may start to curdle and therefore generate bacteria . The problem is that the microwave heat is not strong enough to eliminate them . We let you imagine the damage to our body, especially when our immune system is weakened. And if you think you're spared because you don't take milk, know that this is also valid for plain coffee. It contains natural oils that break down after 30 minutes in the open air. It is therefore better to favor a good, hot coffee, especially if you are over 65.