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Lose weight:here are the 20 fruits that make you lose weight to (finally) find a flat stomach!

To lose the superfluous kilos that poison our lives, fruits are our friends! It is therefore high time to include them in our diet. This pandemic period can test us psychically and physically, the fruits -these love letters that we send to our organism- must be more than present in our kitchens, to finally lose weight naturally and put an end to untimely nibbling.

Lose weight:these fruits that really make you lose weight to consume without moderation

Because yes, we know it's hard to resist a little snack, especially when you've had a quick lunch at noon. And that's where raspberries, apples, grapefruit, kiwis... all these very low-calorie fruits act as cravings firefighters and a fortiori fat-burning foods; this while promoting the supply of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. These same fruits which are also particularly rich in fiber and antioxidants, which gives them superior slimming properties. Which taking their place in a diet without excess and combined with a sports practice, will quickly offer convincing results.

It's time to discover what are these miraculous fruits for our health and our waistline in our slideshow.