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Lose weight:here are the most caloric vegetables to consume in moderation

To lose weight, we hear all day long that you have to fill up on vegetables. Except that, certain vegetables seem at first glance good for health and low in calories, yet some false friends hide in the lot. And yes, you have to choose the right ones when you want to get rid of a few pounds. But let it be said, a vegetable, regardless of whether it is caloric or not, will always have fewer harmful consequences on our body than a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps. However, we give you high-calorie vegetables that are best eaten in moderation.

What are fake vegetable friends

Among the vegetables that count the least as slimming allies are certain legumes such as chickpeas, kidney beans or lentils. Considered a starch, the potato It also wants to be quite caloric, count 90 kcal / 100g. Also beware of peas, artichokes, or Brussels sprouts . They are actually much richer than you think. Same thing for green beans, eggplants, carrots orbeets … Who can we trust?

So we don't eat it at all?

It is obvious that these vegetables should not be banned. Despite their calories, they often have other non-negligible virtues for our line. You just have to be careful not to abuse it. But in reality, as many specialists point out, it is not necessarily the vegetables themselves that will make us fat. It is about the way in which they are cooked . Beware of excess butter, cream, sauce and oil and preferably opt for steam, oven or steam cooking.