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Did you know ? :eating vegetables can significantly reduce stress (here are 30 that will do you the most good)

Not a week goes by without us being reminded how eating fruits and vegetables is good for your health (by the way, did you know that in reality, it would be better to eat 10 than 5?!). An Australian study, published in 2017 in the medical journal BMJ, looked at the impact of vegetable consumption on stress and the verdict is clear:yes, vegetables can reduce it (but only fruits have no impact)!

More effective in women!

Researchers at the University of Sydney analyzed the data of more than 60,000 people aged 45 and over, using the Kessler scale which measures stress and evaluating the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables of each. Thus, in participants consuming 3 to 4 servings, a 12% reduction in stress was observed (compared to people not consuming one or only one), a figure which rises to 18% in women. On the other hand, eating even more vegetables does not have a significant impact. The vegetables with the most effect are green vegetables, especially spinach which are rich in vitamin B9 and help increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that stabilize mood.

The results of this study still need to be confirmed, especially in terms of quantity, but hey, anyway, we know that eating vegetables is good for your health, so if it's not already the case, we put it!

These seasonal fruits and vegetables to consume without moderation to reduce stress

They are rich in vitamin C, THE vitamin to stimulate immune defenses in winter but also a source of antioxidants, also have anti-inflammatory properties and thus play a major role in the prevention of many diseases. Carrots, pomegranates, broccoli, apples, cabbage, salsify...the list is long of the treasures that nature offers us to consume in this month of January during which our immune defenses weaken. Also to start this new year in great shape , the time has come to choose wisely what to put in your shopping basket.

Take the beet for example! Cooked or raw, you will make very good salads; which will bring you many benefits for your body. Because one of the significant virtues of beets lies in particular its ability to cleanse the blood. Its red color makes it the ally of blood cells, thanks to the iron it contains and which allows the regeneration of blood. It therefore promotes the oxygen supply in your body.

Colourful, vitaminized and satiating, we go for winter salads!

And speaking of salads, lamb's lettuce is excellent in winter. anti-stress salad, it takes care in particular to maintain our good mood thanks to its high concentration of vitamin B9 which acts on the nervous system and ensures good sleep. In addition, it is an essential ally of diets! Very low in calories, lamb's lettuce provides only 20 calories/100 g. It satisfies quickly, and provides no cholesterol and very little lipids. What about pineapple, which has tremendous slimming properties due to its high content of enzymes such as bromelain, which has a diuretic and anti-cellulite effect.

No, you will have understood it, in January, there is only one resolution to have, that of eating healthy and intelligent, your body and your mind will thank you!

To make it easier for you, our slideshow of the 30 fruits and vegetables to eat in January should really help you.