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Here are the signs that prove that you are (probably) a compulsive eater

We all know the compulsive buyer syndrome, but have you ever heard of the compulsive eater ? This is an imbalance that is similar to overeating can affect any type of eater. At any time of the day, this person may experience irrepressible and repeated urges during which he cannot stop himself from eating.Isabelle Siac , specialist in eating behavior disorders entrusts to our colleagues from Elle , that the simple fact of passing in front of a bakery can be enough to awaken these impulses. This syndrome is different from bulimia. Indeed, this is the fact of eating a lot in a limited time. The compulsive eater, on the other hand, has a bit of a craving for snacking throughout the day.

Compulsive eater:how do you know if you are?

According to the specialist, it is necessary to make the e distinugo between gluttony and compulsion . The compulsion focuses on a specific type of food . It can be meat, pastries, salty snacks, or sweets. Not always very healthy foods. Moreover, if you are a compulsive eater, you will not eat them out of desire or pleasure, but out of a need to satisfy an uncontrollable urge. In other words, it's when it becomes impossible to reason with yourself and not eat, whenever you feel "the urge".

Compulsive eater:how to get rid of it?

It is obvious that this syndrome has a non-negligible impact on health. This leads to weight gain certain. From a psychological point of view, if it is not perceived as a pathology strictly speaking, compulsive eating is often considered as a gateway to TCA. To free yourself from this syndrome, the first step is to know which foods create these compulsions in us. Thus, it will be necessary to make every effort to separate from it. You can alsofind an activity to deal with when they appear. Finally, if they persist, it is possible to get closer to a specialist of these disorders, to learn how to manage them.