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Immune system:20 foods to strengthen its defenses

Our immune system protects us at all times against viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens. But for various reasons, it can weaken and the disease may set in. To avoid this, a relevant diet giving pride of place to vitamins C, D, Zinc and probiotics in particular, will boost our immunity. So our mission:to put the right foods on the plate. Here are 20!

Immunity is a marathon, not a sprint! »

However, as Women’s Health magazine explained , Nicole Avena, Doctor and Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton University, “immunity is a marathon, not a sprint (…) You have to take a comprehensive and holistic approach if you want keep your immune system in olympic shape” . It is therefore his whole way of life that must be changed to boost his immunity. But don't panic, we are talking here about small changes to make on a daily basis. There are three of them:namely, optimizing sleep, reducing stress and playing sports. Nothing too complicated in short!