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Immune system:3 tips to boost it easily

The immune system is the guardian of our health. In winter, it is particularly important to make sure to reinforce it since between cold, proximity and heating, it is easier to fall ill. So add to that a pandemic that's been going on for almost two years, and it's in our best interest to pamper it! Our immune system guarantees the protection of our body against the most common viruses, bacteria and parasites, but also protects us in the event of more complex and serious pathologies.

How does our immune system work?

Faced with attacks from our body, there are two kinds of immune responses :innate immunity and acquired immunity. Innate Immunity is the body's fastest response. It is triggered immediately as soon as an attack takes place.Acquired immunity comes after innate immunity. This will be much more effective in destroying cells infected with viruses, since it will produce antibodies that specifically target the infection. This second response will usually take several days to set up.

But since our immune system has a memory , he learns to defend himself throughout our lives. It is therefore important to take care of it in order to prevent it from being too weakened! But how do you strengthen it? Here are three very simple tips to incorporate into your daily routine for a reinforced immune system!