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Covid-19:this drink would reduce the side effects of the vaccine

Whether we are on our first, second, or third dose, we would do without the side effects . Some people are lucky and experience only mild arm pain from the sting, while others experience body aches, fever, and nausea. Although each human reacts differently, the fact remains that any side effect is unpleasant . While we knew that there were certain foods to avoid, after receiving your dose, it seems that there is a drink that would help us not to feel too much of its side effects. As heartening as this news is, it is not a grandmother's remedy, much less a miraculous elixir. But what is this drink? not to be neglected after getting vaccinated?

What do we drink after our vaccine?

To relieve fever, headaches, or muscle pain that may occur after the bite, it would be particularly recommended to hydrate well during the following hours . So, the best way to fight against the side effects would be to drink water. But as Sonia Sharma pointed out , doctor at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology (California) to our colleagues from National Geographic , water is not a "miracle" cure , since it has no direct influence on the immune system. It's all about remembering to drink it often as soon as the first side effects appear, because underhydration will only make them worse.

The consequences of a lack of hydration

According to Sonia Sharma , not drinking enough water would be one of the factors "which delays the production of antibodies ". It is also well known that fever and migraines promote dehydration. It is for this reason that health professionals recommend drinking enough water to prevent this from happening. Clearly, drinking water will not prevent side effects, but rather lessen them and give us relief. On the other hand, not drinking could actually make them worse.