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Vitamin D would reduce the risk of respiratory infections

We know that vitamin D has many benefits for bones and muscles. But that's not all ! A new study published in the British Medical Journal and conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University in London, reveals new virtues specific to what is rightly nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin”. After reanalyzing and pooling raw data from 25 clinical trials involving around 11,000 people from 14 different countries, these experts observed that vitamin D reduced the risk of respiratory infections.

Add vitamin D to food

The results suggest that vitamin D supplementation has a greater effect on people with a deficiency, especially when this vitamin is administered daily or weekly, rather than spaced out. According to researchers, more than three million people across the UK could avoid respiratory infections such as colds or flu! They suggest adding vitamin D to food, but foods such as oily fish or shiitake mushrooms, which contain it naturally, are also effective in combating this deficiency. Those who live in a sunny region obviously should not deprive themselves of a sunbathing session (without ever skimping on sunscreen, UV rays pass anyway…) to fill up on vitamin D.

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