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Menstruation:the use of a menstrual cup would reduce the duration and abundance of menstruation

And if to reduce the duration of the rules, as well as the intensity of the flow, it was enough to switch to the menstrual cup? According to a survey conducted on the Put A Cap In It Facebook page, cup users have noticed a change in their rules. According to 53% of the 1400 people questioned, their period lasts less than when they used another menstrual protection. Most menstruation went from 4 to 5 days, down from 6 to 7 or even 8 days. A significant change!

Menstrual cup and duration of periods:no study proves a link for the moment

Despite a rather high score, this survey has not yet been corroborated by a scientific study which would prove that the cup does indeed reduce the duration and abundance of periods. Several theories compete. According to Vice Media , there would be on the one hand experts who claim that with a menstrual cup, the negative pressure of suction could increase blood circulation and therefore reduce the duration of menstruation. Additionally, the chemicals used in tampons and menstruation could also impact clotting. On the other hand, there is a psychological side that plays a lot. When using a menstrual cup, you realize that the amount of blood lost is much less than using a pad or tampon would suggest.

So real effect or simple impression, everything remains to be proven!