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How to get rid of heavy legs?

Heavy legs, what's the problem?

The feeling of heavy legs is a sign of a dysfunction of the venous system:the veins of the legs are unable to circulate blood from the feet to the heart. The problem can be genetic (=poor circulation) or linked to external factors such as heat, standing, sitting or crossing your legs too long, tobacco, air travel, certain hormonal treatments, pregnancy...

What to do in case of heavy legs?

The fastest and most effective solution is to move, to activate the venous flow. So whenever possible, we walk, even if it's just to get a coffee. If we can't, we manually restart the venous circulation:hands around the ankle, we apply pressure going up the leg. It's even more effective if you massage yourself with a "heavy legs" product, formulated with venotonic and decongestant active ingredients and menthol for an immediate cooling boost.

Good too, the jet of cold water on the legs, going up from the feet to the thighs. In prevention, you can take "light legs" food supplements that strengthen the veins and, of course, drink plenty of water. It is also recommended to sleep on a mattress slightly raised at foot level. Above all, if the problem is recurrent and/or bothersome (varicose veins may appear), we do not wait to consult a phlebologist.

The right products. Arkofluids Organic Light Legs, Arkopharma, €12.50. Hirucrème Protect, Bayer, €19.25. Xpert Fatigue Gel, Singuladerm, €17.

Thanks to Véronique Dolciami, Scientific Director Singuladerm.