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Corona kilos, how do you get rid of them?

Recently in the news:almost half of all adult Dutch people have gained weight since the lockdown. Women do slightly better than men in this regard. 49 percent of the men have gained weight compared to 40 percent of the women. Cause:eat more and move less. How do you prevent more corona kilos and how do you get rid of them?

Interestingly, 13% of women have lost weight. What do these women do differently? They have started to exercise more and eat less because they are more aware of their health because of corona.

The biggest challenge of being at home

You eat at home, you work at home, you hold meetings at home. The cookie and candy tin smile at you all day long. Because you miss the conviviality of social activities, you eat. Because food is associated with conviviality. At the weekend you make it extra cozy with… yes, food and drinks. You can't do much else. It is so logical and so recognizable.

Read also: 'How much should you exercise during the coronavirus?'

What do you really want and why?

However, if you are asked what you find important in life, there is a good chance that you mention health, among other things. That you want to be fit and have the energy to make your own dreams come true. To be there for others.

Gaining a few pounds is not a bad thing in itself. The problem is that gaining weight is usually a result of filling yourself, not feeding. Just like a car, your body needs the right fuel to work properly. Like a car, your body will rust and deteriorate if you don't move enough. With all its consequences. You probably know this. But where do you get the motivation from?

This requires intrinsic motivation. How do you get it? By asking yourself why you think health/fitness/energy is so important. One question why is not enough. No, ask yourself this question at least five times. Why do I want to have a lot of energy? Because in the evening I still want to have the energy to make myself useful. Why do I want that? Because then I have my life more in order and I am a less stressed mother. Why do I want that? And so on. This way you get to the core of what really matters to you. Write that down for yourself. Remind yourself every time you want to skip your workout or take a grab from the drop pot.

Five tips to avoid gaining more weight

Have you done the 'why' assignment and is your motivation great enough to get those kilos off again or to prevent (more) kilos from gaining weight? Here are five tips:

1. Start every day with a (mini) work-out

Get out of bed earlier and start the day with a workout. If only it was a 10/15 minute mini-workout. You activate your body, let your heart pump and your blood flow, giving you instant energy. Your productivity will be higher. In addition, you put your mind in the right active mode, which makes you more motivated to exercise even more and eat healthier.

2. Plan all your exercise moments for the whole week

Make a weekly schedule and plan at least 30 minutes of regular exercise every day (walking, cycling, household, gardening) AND at least 3x a week intensive and muscle-strengthening exercise of at least 30 minutes (home workouts such as HIIT and Strength, running, cycling )

3. Determine one unhealthy snack moment a day for yourself and enjoy it

Instead of walking around snacking throughout the day, determine one moment for yourself when you can do this. For example, in the afternoon at 4 pm with a cup of tea. This makes it easier not to take anything at those other times, or to eat a healthy snack.

4. Seek distraction if you can't resist the temptation

Every time you want to open the kitchen drawer, do 100 squats, do a dance around your room, jump rope for a minute, sing along to your favorite song or run around your garden. This way you immediately have extra exercise and after this distraction your snacking need is over.

5. Postpone your breakfast as long as possible

With an official word this is called intermittent fasting, in other words make the time frame in which you eat shorter. Get up, have a large glass of water, do a mini-workout and postpone your breakfast as long as possible, for example until 10 a.m. coffee time. You then enjoy your cappuccino extra and instead of a snack you now take your breakfast. This way you eat something with your coffee, you enjoy your breakfast more and you already have one meal less on that day. You will notice that your blood sugar level is more stable, so that you have less food/snack needs.

So your assignments for today:

  1. Consider for yourself what you find important in life and why (5x)
  2. Make a weekly schedule in which you write down all your exercise moments. Keep it as you would any other important appointment.

On to a fit, energetic you WITHOUT corona kilos!

More about Christina and Heidy

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.

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