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Bed bugs:how to detect their presence and get rid of them?

Pest Doctor:The Pest Exterminator

As soon as the first signs of their presence appear, hurry to eliminate bed bugs with Doctor Pests. It offers you to get rid of this problem as quickly as it appeared.

You can use the services of this exterminator any day of the week. After 2 hours, a team of professionals takes care of eliminating all the individuals.

Bed bugs hide in cracks, behind baseboards, electrical outlets or furniture. In general, they place their nests a few meters from places such as the bed or the sofa. After an inventory, the exterminators define the most effective method to eradicate all forms of bedbugs from your home.

In case of severe infestation, chemical treatment will be adopted. A chemical product specially developed by Docteur Pests will be sprayed at low pressure. As a result, eggs, larvae and adult insects will be suppressed. In addition, the chemical treatment keeps these pests away from your home permanently.

If the degree of infestation is low or medium, mechanical treatment will do the trick. The steam treatment permanently eliminates bed bugs. Indeed, 100% of individuals will be removed, thanks to this natural and ecological process.

Read on the subject:bedbugs:a growing phenomenon in France

Detect the presence of bed bugs

In the 1990s, bed bugs made a comeback in France. However, it has become a real scourge since 2016. In fact, 7% of French people say they have been affected by this pest between 2016 and 2021. This percentage is also constantly increasing due to new lifestyles and consumption patterns.

The life cycle of a bedbug is like that of any insect:egg, larva, adult. You won't find any bedbugs in broad daylight. Indeed, these parasites only come out at night to feed on your blood. To detect the presence of bed bugs, it is therefore necessary to check if small blood stains are present on the sheets. You can also find empty shells on the ground. The pimples caused by the bite of the bed bug are similar to those of mosquitoes. Although this pest does not carry a disease, the itching and redness caused by its bite can be very disturbing.

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