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Did you know ? :Christmas tree allergy exists, here are the signs that should alert you!

As the holiday season draws near Covid-19 is on everyone's mind but by dint of seeing it everywhere we almost forget the seasonal allergies , which can unfortunately be triggered in the middle of winter. Among them is the Christmas tree syndrome or Christmas tree allergy. Said like that, it seems inconceivable and yet your conifer, which you have taken care to decorate, can impact your health . In fact, it is comparable to hay fever , or allergic rhinitis .

What are the symptoms of Christmas tree syndrome?

People affected by Christmas tree syndrome may suffer from multiple symptoms , similar to a pollen allergy:runny or stuffy nose, cough, irritated eyes, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, itching, and even rash.

These ailments are caused by the presence of mold and mushrooms in the trunk of your conifer. These micro-organisms generally develop in the open air in the natural environment of the tree, but they also continue to deploy in warm interiors, such as your living room. Another possible cause of this allergy:Christmas tree decorations . Indeed, artificial snow or preservatives can cause reactions.

What are the solutions to relieve Christmas tree allergy?

If you or a family member suffers from Christmas tree allergy do not hesitate to consult a doctor . He can then prescribe you antihistamine drugs . In the meantime, some solutions can help you relieve and limit the risk of allergies. If you want to have a real tree wash its trunk and branches carefully with water , then let it air dry.

Also, do not forget to ventilate your interior daily , especially the room where your tree sits, for 15 to 20 minutes. In the same idea you can opt for a air purifier . Also keep your blankets and cushions away from your conifer, which may cause allergic reactions. Finally, if you want to avoid at all costs the Christmas tree syndrome choose an artificial or DIY tree .

More on Christmas tree syndrome in our slideshow.

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