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Here is the unsuspected ingredient to cure hangovers according to Finnish researchers

Nausea, headaches, stress, muddy head... Do these ailments ring a bell? They are characteristic of a hangover, the state in which you wake up after a (slightly) drunken evening. These symptoms are caused by alcohol which is transformed by the liver into chemical compounds. Against the hangover , you've tried everything:drink lots of water, eat fat, rest, take medicine... but nothing works. Get ready, we might have found the solution!

Finnish researchers have found a cure for hangovers!

What if there really was a hangover remedy ? This is confirmed by the study conducted by Finnish researchers from the University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland. They asked 19 men to drink lots of alcohol , more specifically, 1.5 g of alcohol per kilogram of body weight, over a period of three hours. This represents an average of 8 to 9 glasses for a 75 kg man.

Then the participants were given a tablet containing L-cysteine ​​acid . The next day they had to explain their condition. The result:Those who took the highest dose had much less headaches and nausea than normal. "L-cysteine ​​would reduce the need to drink the next day with no or fewer hangover symptoms" , concludes the study.

If this magic ingredient seems to savethe difficult tomorrows , more research is needed to confirm that it is THE magic product against hangovers.


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