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End of year celebrations:here are the miracle remedies to recover from a complicated aftermath

Nausea, headaches, stress, muddy head … Do these evils mean something to you? They are characteristic of the hangover, this state in which one generally wakes up after end-of-year celebrations (a little) too drunk . These symptoms are caused by alcohol which is transformed by the liver into chemical compounds. Against the hangover , you've tried everything:drink lots of water, eat fat, rest, take medicine... but nothing works. Get ready, we may have found the cures for the aftermath of the holiday season ! What a way to start the new year on a high note!

How to beat the holiday hangover?

What if there really was a hangover remedy ? To relieve our aftermath of complicated evenings, we must bet on the right ingredients. For example, asparagus will be our allies to regain our form. "Amino acids and minerals found in asparagus extract appear to alleviate hangovers and protect liver cells from toxins "says a study published in the Journal of Food Science relayed by Slate . You can also count on mint. Chew fresh mint leaves would help to get rid of the feeling of nausea and would prevent possible vomiting that could occur the day after a very (too) watered aperitif. If treating evil with evil is a solution, we can take advantage of a cocktail a little softer to get better. Tomato juice + honey + half a lemon squeezed + a pinch of pepper =a mixture that puts the ideas in place when the first symptoms are felt (and they are recognizable among a thousand).

The slightly more unusual tips against a hangover

In big words, big remedies, there are sometimes very original little tricks to relieve us. You know, this juice that we throw away when the jar of pickles is empty might actually serve us well. In Poland, it is one of the most popular anti-hangover remedies, reports Le Figaro . You still have to have the courage to do it because the liquid does not make you want at all (already sober but then hungover, it can be like torture). Instead of vegetating in bed, play sports ! This helps to produce endorphins and dopamine, these well-being hormones that compensate for the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Finally, remember to rehydrate yourself with coconut water . It boosts the elimination of toxins. And so that the loss of minerals and trace elements does not accentuate fatigue, eat lentils which recharge the body.

Thanks to these tips, you will no longer fear the aftermath of the end of year celebrations, but be careful, remember to drink in moderation.